Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A perfect evening

Last night was the absolute perfect evening. The sort of night you want to freeze in time and then repeat over and over again looking for any clue as to how exactly it happened. Life isn't like that though. It just sort of happens. Some nights the girls bicker and I can't figure out what to make for dinner, the dog poops on the carpet and the cat executes a mole. But last night was perfect. I came home from work to boxes brimming with fresh fruits and vegetables from our CSA share. The girls dug into the cherry tomatoes, yellow plums, and freshly picked green beans as if they were candy. It makes me feel so good to see them truly appreciating fresh local produce.

The girls continued to munch while I made a fritatta for dinner using up much of our swiss chard. Finding a use for the neverending swiss chard always makes me happy. Much to my delight both kids devoured the fritatta! You can make anything palatable with eggs, cheese and garlic!

After dinner Lilly and I cozied up on the couch and read. She is engrossed in her "Warriors" series by Erin Hunter and I'm addicted to "Sunshine" by Robin Mckinley. John and Jane practiced Jane's reading in the other room. After reading for a while the girls and John began playing Animal Trivia, one of our favorite board games, while I cleaned the kitchen and continued my book.

Laughter drifted in from the other room while I cleaned and read. John and the girls were being silly and sounded so happy. I went in to join them and before we all new it the evening had flown by and it was almost 9pm. We all went upstairs to get ready for bed and then John read stories until it was time for sleep.

The evening was so simple yet perfect and beautiful. We are so lucky to have each other and it is moments like those that I can almost feel love for them seeping out of me. It is all I can do to stop myself from holding onto them, smelling their hair, and starting to cry.

We are taking Lilly to sleep away camp this Sunday which might have something to do with why I am being so sentimental. I am getting a little anxious about but I feel certain it will be a wonderful experience for her. I promise to post pictures soon. Promising sounds so funny since I think I'm the only one reading this blog..... Oh well I promise myself.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Those moments are simply the best. What a wonderful made me want to gather up my biys, cancel our evening plans, and hunker down with a good book and board game.